Our team

In our search for a more economically sustainable coffee industry, we endeavor to distribute as much value as possible to the hands of the people who are responsible for producing some of the best coffees in the world, the coffee producers with whom we work. They are the artists, those men and women who with craftmanship, passion and dedication produce the flavors and aromas that inspire us with every cup of coffee we drink. They are an essential part of our team, as without their product and support, none of what we do would be possible.

We travel across Colombia to find these artists, buying their coffees at economically sustainable prices and developing long-term partnerships with them so that they have the security to invest in their farms, improve their livelihood and prosper.

We then roast and package the coffee, exporting it directly from origin, shortening the value chain between coffee drinkers around the world and the real heroes behind every bean.

Let us introduce our team

Free shipping on 3 bags of coffee or more